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Nov 17, 20222 min read
יצירות קורונה - טבלת קריאה
הפוסט הזה נכתב במקור לרעיונות לחופש הגודל. רעיון חינוכי, כייפי, מעסיק ומעודד קריאה. הגיע וירוס הקורונה וכולנו מחפשים בנרות תעסוקה לילדים...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
When Research and Teaching Methods Don't Match Up
About a month ago we shared a fascinating article with you about how teachers are not being trained to teach reading! The article rightly...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - Top Five Mysteries for Young Readers!
Some children - people - enjoy mysteries and figuring out the whodunit part. Others enjoy the thrill of it. Here are the most popular...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - The Value of Professional Articles
Last week you mentioned reading newspapers as precursors to professional articles. Could you expand some more on the value of reading...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - The Value of Reading Newspapers
The other day we got a phone call from a newspaper company trying to sell us a subscription. In my childhood home, I remember my parents...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Non-fiction Book Picks
Are you a non-fiction enthusiast? Or maybe after reading this column, you are looking for non-fiction books to entice your son. Here are...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Boys' Picks vs. Girls' picks
Dear Gaila, I have a son in 6th grade, a daughter in 5th grade and a son in 3rd grade. While my daughter is an avid reader, I find it so...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - Book Circles & Disinterested Readers
Dear Gaila, Last week you posted about Book Circles for struggling readers. My son can read well enough by now but he is disinterested in...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - Book Circles & Struggling Readers
Dear Gaila, I've seen your posts on facebook that the Readathon is around the corner. You have also mentioned these Book Circles. My...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Hannukah gifts!
Hannukah is around the corner. You must be thinking of gifts! What about books? Don't groan! We are talking about books that your child...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
שלום מר בנט - רפורמות באנגלית במשרד החינוך 3
שלום מר בנט, זאת אני שוב פעם. גיילה כהן מוריסון מעמותת א.ה.ב.ה. – אנגלית הנלמדת בשיטה הטבעית. שבוע שעבר כתבתי לך מכתב עם רעיונות על איך...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Mr. Bennett - Ministry of Education English Reforms III
Dear Mr. Bennett, It's me again. Gaila Cohen Morrison from A.H.A.V.A. English Learned in a Natural Method. Last week I wrote to you a...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Mr. Bennett - Ministry of Education English Reforms II
Dear Mr. Bennet, It's me again. Gaila Cohen Morrison from A.H.A.V.A. English Learned in a Natural Method. Two weeks ago I wrote to you a...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
שלום מר בנט - רפורמות באנגלית של משרד החינוך 2
שלום מר נפתלי בנט, שר החינוך, זאת אני שוב – גיילה כהן מוריסון מעמותת א.ה.ב.ה. – אנגלית הנלמדת בשיטה הטבעית. לפני שבוע וחצי כתבתי לך מכתב...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Encouraging Writing in the Classroom
Dear Gaila, In the past Dear Gaila columns you offered great suggestions for encouraging writing in English at home (see part I and part...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - How To Get Your Child To Speak More English (Part I)
Dear Gaila, My oldest three children (out of five) just finished participating in the Readathon. It was really amazing, and I can tell...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - The Concept of "Is"
Dear Gaila, I have a weekly remedial teaching session with a weak Hebrew speaker. I use Reading Rocks! (which is excellent, by the way)....

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - The Best Spelling Trick Ever
Dear Gaila, How can I teach my students to spell "crazy English words"? Words that just don't make any sense because they don't follow...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Text Comprehension Tips & Ideas
Dear Gaila, My students have a rich enough vocabulary in English, yet with the English bagrut matriculations coming up I need to work...

Nov 17, 20223 min read
Dear Gaila - Fantasy Book Picks
This month I want to share with you my picks for fantasy books and series. Since 1997, when the Harry Potter series started being...
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