Join our 2024 Four Day Teacher Training Seminar:
A.H.A.V.A. is offering two comprehensive 16 hour seminars to provide you with practical skills and knowledge for teaching small local groups of Hebrew & English speaking students.
Every participant receives a curriculum booklet including the outline of the seminar.
Cost: Each seminar is 700 NIS.
For more information Gaila: 02-535-6532 or leave a message on the form below.
Summer 2024 Online Seminar -
Teaching English Reading & Writing
Emphasis on English Speakers:
Morning sessions: July 7,8,9,11
Between 8:30 - 1:30. July 11 Will end 10:00.
Afternoon sessions: July 1,2,4,7
Between 14:30 - 19:30. July 7 will end 16:00.
Would you like to learn the secrets of being an A.H.A.V.A. teacher?
Or if you just want to learn how to be a stupendous teacher, we have teacher training programs each summer. View our different programs and sign up with our registration form down below or send an email to

Non-English Speakers Program
For more information click here
This program covers curriculum, games, techniques and songs to teach small groups of non-English speakers. Children aged 3-14 learn to understand and speak basic English in an enjoyable manner, while covering all the basic knowledge they need to give them self confidence to speak in English.
We will review strategies that we feel are crucial if the child is to learn how to form sentences correctly in English and communicate, not just regurgitate ideas.
Chants, songs, mini dialogues, and games are all effective ways of exposing children to natural language. The teachers learn these techniques in much the same way that the children will, through games, practice sessions and repetition, so that they have a better understanding of this style.
Upon completion of this course, the teacher will know how to develop games, use songs and chants, develop dialogues and build on them to achieve basic conversation.

English Speakers Program
For more information click here
Too often the native English speakers in the education system do not fulfill their potential and are simply left to learn from material that is one or two years ahead of Hebrew Speakers.
In this course we suggest a comprehensive curriculum from Kindergarten through 6th grade, with a written curriculum for high school as well.
I will explain how to create a comprehensive program with no gaps. I stress graded readers, individual work sheets and cards for stronger and weaker students, and a graded spelling program.
By the end of the course, you will have received a review of most aspects of language arts for the skills discussed
and know how to structure a comprehensive English program, with suggestions for textbooks, examples of ideas and opportunity to purchase educational materials.