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Nov 17, 20221 min read
Using Picture Books To Teach A Foreign Language - Part I
One of the best tools I use for vocabulary development when teaching English as a second language are picture books. This includes older...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Play Ball! A fun way to review lessons in class.
I want to share a really fun lesson plan I used a few weeks ago. This was my opening class for a multi-level classroom. I have fluent...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
When Research and Teaching Methods Don't Match Up
About a month ago we shared a fascinating article with you about how teachers are not being trained to teach reading! The article rightly...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - Speaking English with Slang, Idioms and an Awareness of Nuances
What is the difference between slang and idioms? Yael Dear Yael, It is true that in many ways slang and idioms are similar. Both are...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - How to Read a Text?
Dear Gaila, How do I read a text? It is not only hard to read, but is dense with information. How do I get through it? A Student Dear...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
מר בנט שלום - רפורמות באנגלית במשרד החינוך 8
מר בנט שלום, אמנם לא קיבלתי מענה להצעות שלי לשיפור מצב האנגלית בארץ, אך אני עוקבת בעניין רב אחר הפרסומים של הרפורמות באנגלית המוצעות...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
מר בנט שלום - רפורמות באנגלית במשרד החינוך 7
שלום מר בנט, זאת אני – גיילה כהן מוריסון מא.ה.ב.ה. שבוע שעבר העליתי את השינוי האולטימטיבי שמשרד החינוך יכול לעשות כדי לדאוג שכל ילד...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Mr. Bennett - Ministry of Education English Reforms VII
However, until those lucky preschoolers get to first grade we have to enable other children to acquire English easily.
The solution is two

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Encouraging Writing in the Classroom
Dear Gaila, In the past Dear Gaila columns you offered great suggestions for encouraging writing in English at home (see part I and part...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - The Concept of "Is"
Dear Gaila, I have a weekly remedial teaching session with a weak Hebrew speaker. I use Reading Rocks! (which is excellent, by the way)....

Nov 17, 20221 min read
Dear Gaila - The Best Spelling Trick Ever
Dear Gaila, How can I teach my students to spell "crazy English words"? Words that just don't make any sense because they don't follow...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
Dear Gaila - Text Comprehension Tips & Ideas
Dear Gaila, My students have a rich enough vocabulary in English, yet with the English bagrut matriculations coming up I need to work...
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